Streaming Usage

Note : Streaming requires akka-streams for proper usage.

Main DSL for Streams


  • PolygonQuoteSubscribe - Reads a stream of the polygon quotes based on a symbol.
  • PolygonTradeSubscribe - Reads a stream of the polygon trades based on a symbol.
  • PolygonAggregatePerMinuteSubscribe - Reads a stream of the polygon aggregates on a minute basis.
  • PolygonAggregatePerSecondSubscribe - Reads a stream of the polygon aggregates on a second basis.


  • AlpacaTradeUpdatesSubscribe - Reads a stream of trade updates from Alpaca
  • AlpacaAccountUpdatesSubscribe - Reads a stream of account updates from Alpaca
  • AlpacaAccountAndTradeUpdates - Combines both streams.

Subscribe to trades from polygon

    val alpaca = Alpaca()
    val stream: StreamingClient = alpaca.alpaca.polygonStreamingClient

    val str = stream

      .runWith(Sink.foreach(x => println(

Subscribe to trade updates alpaca

    val alpaca = Alpaca()
    val stream = alpaca.alpacaStreamingClient.subscribe(AlpacaAccountAndTradeUpdates())
    stream._2.runWith(Sink.foreach(x => {